Our Research

INPT is a patent-pending, breakthrough technology in that there is now no need to catalog or match a person’s infection to an external phage cocktail, a time consuming highly regulated process. New research demonstrates that every human infection enters the body already infected with its own type of phage, in a parasitic/host relationship. Our technology, Induced Native Phage Therapy (INPT) takes control of this relationship regardless the type of infectious agent. Our ongoing research is working to document the ever increasing range of microbes that can be targeted using INPT. The capabilities appear to be endless.

We are the inventor of this technology. What we are doing with native phages has never been done before.

Adjunctive Testing Using Biospectral Emission Sequencing (BES): Bioregulatory Intelligence Technology in Parallel with the Goals of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

Induced Native Phage Therapy for the Treatment of Lyme Disease and Relapsing Fever: A Retrospective Review of First 14 Months in One Clinic

Validating complex electromagnetic signatures (EMS) from Inducen-LD/RF and Inducen-Res preparations by physicochemical and UV spectroscopy measurement system

Biospectral Emission Sequencing (BES): The technology that empowers Induced Native Phage Therapy:

We Harness the Power of Phages

  • We enlist the specific phage type to rapidly eliminate its host microbe that is causing disease.
  • We employ a patent-pending process to activate phages already “living” within the virome of body to kill your infection.
  • The induced-phages themselves die within three days after the last of their targeted host bacteria are dead.
  • We do not introduce externally-sourced phages
  • We do not use genetically-altered phages
  • We do not use nanobot technologies
  • We do not use any nutritional, botanical or manufactured compounds
  • We do not use any homeopathic, Rife, or Radionic remedies to make the medications
  • We do not alter the cells of the body
  • We do not stimulate the immune system
  • Induced native phages do not stimulate cytokine storm that would leading to greater inflammation
  • We do not cause any toxic or pharmacologic side-effects or residual effects
  • We are not supported by big pharma, big biotech, or big money

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Phage-Biotechnology & Precision Medicine Innovation